Firstly, Who Am I?
Hi Champs, my name is Martin Green. I’ve been in the fitness industry for 15 years now. Not only is fitness my chosen profession, but it’s also my passion. I live and breathe it every single day.
I’m a simple man.
I have a beautiful family that I adore and I love to run, lift & box.
I’m not terribly exciting.
I’ve trained & coached many people from all walks of life. From teenagers to pensioners. From weekend warriors to winning physique athletes. From amateur boxers to elite professionals. To be honest, there isn’t a type I haven’t worked with.
I firmly believe everyone can achieve their biggest desires in life, with a lot of hard work and the right kind of support.
If you’re willing, dedicated and serious about achieving your goals… Then I 100% believe that I can get you there.
My Own Journey
I grew up like most people my age (I'm 37 BTW) playing lots of football and overall, being very active.
However, when I became a young adult, I discovered takeaways & got into my first serious relationship… I became comfortable. Complacency kicked in. I got fat and became very unhappy within myself.
I spent a long time trying to ‘shift the fat’ and sought out help from many types of ‘trainers’.
None of which helped me, no one I spoke to could explain clearly what I needed to do.
That’s when I decided to go ‘do it myself’.
It started with college. I went down the path of achieving every qualification I could in order to further my knowledge base.
Ever since then, I have been obsessed with gaining/updating and furthering my knowledge with the aim of sharing it with others.
I started working in the gym and did so for over 12 years.
I have met and helped folks from all walks of life with tremendous results.
Another reason I do what I do and why I’m so good at it is that I’ve been where you have been.
I have been obese, I have been lean, I have been shredded, I have been a fighter…. And I've been everything in between.
I know exactly what it takes to get to where you want to be and I also know that it is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach that will get you there.

What is TeamTank?
Have you ever tried to make progress on your own, only to fail?
Usually, this is because anyone who chooses this type of lifestyle quickly learns that it can be a VERY lonely journey.
Support is limited and everyone wants to tempt you away from succeeding.
That’s why I created TeamTank.
When I train/coach people…. We are a Team.
Not just us, but all of the other TeamTankers & our Client Success Coaches are there to endlessly encourage and help you on your journey.
You will NEVER be alone on this journey.
By joining us, you will have everything you need to succeed.

What Qualifies Me To Work With You?
I could ramble on about my qualifications (Nutritionist via MNU, typical level 2-4 qualifications, GP referral, kettlebell instructor, blah blah blah) and if you ever want to see them, I can provide them….
The main thing that qualifies me to work with you, is the fact that whoever is reading this will see… I have worked with people exactly like you.
Head on over to my Transformations section of the website and look at all the amazing people I have helped.
What qualifies me? Not just my qualifications. Not just my many years of experience.
But the fact that I produce results for people like you on a regular basis.
And if you pay attention, this is not something that every Coach can ever say.